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ysladmin 2024-05-24 人已围观

简介关于食品安全的英语作文初中生_关于食品安全的英语作文初中生带翻译       接下来,我将通过一些实际案例和个人观点来回答大家对于关于食品安全的英语作文初中生的问题。现在,让我们开始探讨一下关于食品安全的英





3.关于食品安全 交通安全 活动安全的英语作文80字带翻译






       Food Safety in China

        With the growing awareness of healthy eating, more and more people now are paying more attention to the importance of healthy diet and an active life. But at the same time, a growing unrest over food safety in China has caught everyone’s concern.

        In my opinion ,everyone involved in it should set up a high responsibility for others, law related should be passed and carried out. Only in this way can we come by a healthy eating and a harmonious world.






       Food Safety in China

        With the growing awareness of healthy eating, more and more people now are paying more attention to the importance of healthy diet and an active life. But at the same time, a growing unrest over food safety in the China has caught everyone’s concern.

        When it comes to the food safety incidents, especially 2008 Chinese milk scandal, every consumer has much anger to pour upon them. In September 2008, a fresh outbreak of kidney disease occurred, due to baby formula contaminated by melamine. Three babies died and over 6,000 were made sick by the tainted formula. The supplier of the milk, Sanlu Group, is a name brand and is a major player in the industry in China. The company is said to have known of the problem for months, but claims the contaminant came from milk suppliers.

        Who should be main responsible for these serious incidents like milk scandal? On one hand, complex China’s food regulations should shoulder part duties. We should realized its monitoring system can be unresponsive, and the government departments that oversee and enforce policies have overlapping and often ambiguous duties. On the other, food producers and suppliers lack deserved responsibility for consumers! What they cares is only their own interest and profit maximization.

        In my opinion ,everyone involved in it should set up a high responsibility for others, law related should be passed and carried out. Only in this way can we come by a healthy eating and a harmonious world. 在中国食品安全


       当涉及到食品安全事故,特别是2008年中国牛奶丑闻,每一个消费者有很大的愤怒倒在他们。 2008年9月,一个新的疫情发生肾脏疾病,由于受三聚氰胺污染的婴儿配方奶粉。三名婴儿死亡,超过6000例是由污染的公式生病。对牛奶,三鹿集团,供应商是一个名牌,是在行业中中国的主要参与者。该公司说,有个著名的问题,但声称污染物从牛奶供应商来了。



关于食品安全 交通安全 活动安全的英语作文80字带翻译

       The Problem of Food

       Dear editor,

        I'm writing to tell you something about the problem of food safety.

        A couple of days ago, one of my classmates bought a bag of food from a supermarket. Some roommates were invited to enjoy the food.Unfortunately, after finishing it, all of their faces got pale and had stomachaches. They were quickly sent to a nearby hospital. A doctor examined them and gave them some medicine. They were out of danger soon after taking the medicine.

        This accident made me realize the seriousness of the food safety problem. I sincerely hope that the whole society pay much more attention to food safety.








        The Chinese government will deal with any confirmed food safety cases in a responsible manner and in accordance with laws, a parliament spokesman said in Beijing on Tuesday.

        "There are indeed very few companies in China which neglect our country's laws, regulations and standards, dodge quarantine and tests, and have their unqualified products smuggled into foreign markets via illegal channels," said Jiang Enzhu, spokesman for the First Session of the 11th National People's Congress (NPC), at a press conference.

        Our government will intensify its efforts to crack down on such illegal activities and prevent any under-quality food from being exported.

       以上2篇 仅供参考。


       Eating Safely

        Food safety is very important to us. How can we make food safe? Here’s some advice.

        First, we shouldn’t go out to eat fast food often. At the restaurant there is also some food that isn’t safe, such as unhealthy oil.

        Second, we should make food clean before cooking. Remember to boil food.

        Third, we should buy and eat food carefully. If the food is in bags, we should read instructions and dates carefully. Make sure the food is safe.


        食品安全是非常重要的。我们怎样才能使食品更安全?下面是一些建议。 首先,我们不应该经常在外面吃快餐。在餐厅也有一些食品是不是安 全,如不健康的油。 其次,我们应该使食物在烹调前清洁食物。记得煮熟食品。 第三,我们买吃的食物时应该要小心。如果食物袋,我们应该仔细阅读说明书和日 期。确保食品是安全的。


       On the Food Security

       Over the past couple of years, several cases of the food scandal have been disclosed on various media. The problem of food security has become a hot button across society. The prevalence of food insecurity has greatly impacted public health, which the government could not afford to ignore, according to the online edition of the People Daily.

       There are a couple of driving forces, I would argue, behind this undesirable tide. First, in the course of the rapid economic evolution, we ignore moral education, giving rise to the rising rate of the problem. More importantly, the lack of adequate regulation and punishment on those illegal producers enforces the trend.

       As Confucius instructed, it is better late than never. Prompt and strict measures should be taken to turn back this evil trend. The government should launch a massive moral campaign to educate all citizens and draw up tougher laws to crack down on those irresponsible corporations and prohibit them from entering the food industry again. I am firmly convinced that through our combined efforts we are bound to enjoy more risk-free foods in the days ahead.追问这个水平太高了,我好多单词都看不懂,初三作文是控制在80个词左右的...能告诉我一个大概的写作思路吗?还有一些适用的句型,前提是简单一点...

        回答三段法 第一段写现象 第二段写解决办法 第三段写自己的观点Many people insist that...


       With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that...


       A lot of people seem to think that...



       People's views on... vary from person to person. Some hold that... . However, others believe that....


       People may have different opinions on...


       Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person.


       There are different opinions among people as to...

       关于.... 人们的观点大不相同.

        Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure).



       Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that...



       the problem of food security

       Nowadays,there is an increasing number of problem in the food security aspect,such as the swill-cooked dirty oil and the milk scandal. Because of last year's Sanlun scandal, food safety become a hot topic and how can we prevent another milk scandal?

       In my opinion,it is the lack of credit that lead to the serious problem of food security. We should strengthen the propaganda and education so that we can enhance people's safety consciousness and change their moral idea. Besides,we should strengthen the legal system and the supervision of food security .Only in this way can we live a healthier and happier life.


       On the Food Security

       Over the past couple of years, several cases of the food scandal have been disclosed on various media. The problem of food security has become a hot button across society. The prevalence of food insecurity has greatly impacted public health, which the government could not afford to ignore, according to the online edition of the People Daily.

       There are a couple of driving forces, I would argue, behind this undesirable tide. First, in the course of the rapid economic evolution, we ignore moral education, giving rise to the rising rate of the problem. More importantly, the lack of adequate regulation and punishment on those illegal producers enforces the trend.

       As Confucius instructed, it is better late than never. Prompt and strict measures should be taken to turn back this evil trend. The government should launch a massive moral campaign to educate all citizens and draw up tougher laws to crack down on those irresponsible corporations and prohibit them from entering the food industry again. I am firmly convinced that through our combined efforts we are bound to enjoy more risk-free foods in the days ahead.


        As is known to all,we get energy from food,and depend on food to sustain life .However ,along with the economic development of our country,our food safety has more and more bee a social problem .Such as clenbuterol event (瘦肉精事件)、tainted bean sprout event (毒豆芽事件)and so on .Those food safety problems bring damages to humans and society ,which are as follows:

        Firstly,some food safety problems bring about some economic loss ,and to some

        extent ,human's health are injured .Second ,those food safety problems have an important influence on the development of food business .Last but not least ,As those food safety problems e up ,our civilians will have some fear to buy some food which have been the past time (过期),when they go to the food market .

        After knowing those food safety problems ,we should take measurs to avoid problems and damages .The government can strengthenmanagement of the food market .In addidtion,people can superintend(监督) with each other .

